Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held in the Vestry, St. John’s Church, Stanwick on Monday 11th September 2023.


Present:         Cllr. B. Ramsay, Chairman

                        Cllr M. Asquith

                        Cllr. J. Tickner

                        Cllr. P. Owen

                        Cllr. A Thompson


1.    Apologies for Absence


Apologies received from Cllr.T. Haggie.


2.    Declaration of Interest


The Parish Councillors declared that at this point of the meeting, the agenda did not show any requirement for declaration of interest.


3.    Minutes of the Last Meeting


The Minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


4.    Matters Arising


Reinstatement of the Blue restricted byway sign at the Aldbrough St John end of the Stanwick Track and the other public footpath signs remains outstanding.

Cllr. Thompson indicated he would lend his support with North Yorkshire Councils PROW department should this become necessary.

The white lines at the cross roads adjacent North Lodge have now been repainted.

The gravestones ‘knocked down’ during an inspection of Stanwick Churchyard have now been professionally reinstated by Pickards.  


5.    Reports from other local authorities


Cllr. Thompson gave a short review of the work being done to rationalise the former seven district councils into a single North Yorkshire Council which will inevitably result in changes of staffing and the closure of some offices.

Within his constituency the immediate major concern which requires his attention is the fast deteriorating traffic situation at Scotch Corner roundabout, aggravated by the potential impact of the A66 upgrade and new planning applications/developments in the Scotch Corner area.  On a personal note Cllr. Thompson also confirmed that whilst he will do everything he can to support his Parish Councils the substantial enlargement of his constituency means he will not be able to attend every meeting.


6.    Financial Report


           The Financial Summery was presented to the meeting, approved by Councillors and    

            signed by the Chairman.  

           Three small grant payments were received this quarter in support of work undertaken     

           in the Churchyard.

           Barclay’s Bank Organisational Details questionnaire was completed and approved.

           The Parish Councils contribution of £460.00 to the Parochial Church Council was 

           agreed by Councillors and a cheque issued.


7.    Planning Matters


There were no planning applications to consider this period.


            Councillors remain worried that if the three existing Stanwick planning applications all  

            come good together the present road and bridges will be unable to cope with the size 

            and volume of construction traffic.                      

            Cllr. Ramsay to investigate with the Highways Authority.                          


8.    Correspondence


(a)  Numerous communications and news bulletins from the New North Yorkshire Council.  For information only, no action required.



.         9Any Other Business


(a)  The clerk was instructed to report the collapsed stone wall near the entrance to Carlton Grange Farm to the Highway Authority.

(b)  The Notice Board adjacent Stanwick post box has lost some of its varnish topcoat. Cllrs. Ramsay and Tickner undertook to do the repairs.

(c)   Cllr. Thompson advised the meeting that he had available grant monies for   

small projects, minimum value £300.00, maximum value £5,000.00 to be allocated at his discretion.  The clerk was instructed to obtain prices and submit an application for a new millennium bench seat and a new noticeboard for Carlton.


             The meeting was declared closed at 8.45p.m.


Date and time of next meeting.


Monday 4th December 2023 @ 6.30 p.m. (To be confirmed)



Signed as a correct record ___________________ (Chairman) Date _________________